Stencils For Foundation 4 Are here!
Since the release of Foundation 4, we've received a lot of requests asking for us to update our stencils.
So we've gone and done just that, making the stencils available for the newest version of our framework. Now you can create newer, swankier wireframes with this awesome set!
Why do you need them?
We love wireframing but it can take a long time. Which is why we originally created this stencil set to help us produce better layouts faster. They help you quickly layout full sites that you plan to build using our Foundation framework.
If you're building a website with our Foundation framework, or you're just looking for an easy and fast way to produce wireframes, these stencils will do the job!
What's new, you ask?
You can find all the stencils from the previous version, plus a whole bunch of new goodies to get you going on your wireframes! Check out some of the new elements we included:
- Switch Forms
- Custom Forms
- V-Cards
- Progress Bars
- Pricing Tables
- Sections

Ready to Go? Download the stencils below:
Get All Omnigraffle Stencils Get All Vector PDFsTo avoid constantly recreating elements, we've designed these stencils to help speed up the process and get your brain focused on the important things like interactions.
Looking for Foundation 3 stencil sets? Download them here »
Foundation has a really extensive set of buttons to use on every project. We represented each buttons style and size, including:
- Square
- Radius
- Rounded
- Square
- Button Groups
- Dropdown Buttons
- Split Buttons

Foundation 4 uses the grid to size the forms and with these stencils you have just as much flexibility! Here's what's included:
- Label Positions
- Inline Labels
- Fieldsets
- Radio Buttons
- Checkboxes
- Selects
- Select Lists
- Post/Prefix Labels & Actions
- Error States
- Custom Forms
- Switch

Our navigation elements are simple and clean to help structure your site. We've included some new elements like sections and inline lists. This stencil set includes:
- Top Bar
- Sub Nav
- Pagination
- Breadcrumbs
- Inline Lists
- Side Nav
- Sections

UI Elements
This stencil includes all the little UI goodies that are handy for any web project. We've included some new elements like the progress bars and pricing tables. Check out what this extensive stencil set includes:
- Alerts
- Panels
- Pricing Tables
- Progress Bars
- Tables
- Tooltips
- Joyride Feature Tour
- Placeholders & Thumbnails
- Block Grids
- Orbit Placeholder
- Reveal Modals

A big part of Foundation is that the typography is based on a modular scale. The default typography is based on the golden ratio and includes:
- Headlines
- Paragraphs
- Lists
- V-Cards
- Labels
- Keystrokes
- Blockquotes